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Trying to find an installment lender on the internet that will actually help you out is really like trying to find a needle in a haystack. There are so many sites out there that simply sell your info off to other companies, or are just payday lenders dressed up in a long term lender’s suit. However, there is definitely hope out there, and in this post I want to shed some light on why it’s so hard to find a lender and what your options really are.

The main reason …

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Help! I need help with money today – preferably fast! What are my options?

If you need money today, or desperately, and are looking for advice on how to make quick cash fast, you are certainly not alone. A 2010 CareerBuilder survey found that 22% of respondents periodically missed payments on bills, and 77% of workers stated that they were living paycheck to paycheck.

This same survey found that in 2010, workers were: cutting back on entertainment/leisure time (54%); using coupons or shopping at discount stores (48%); driving less …

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When money is tight and times are tough, it can seem nearly impossible to start saving money. While taking out a short term or payday loan is sometimes merited, we know it is a very bad idea to take out multiple loans, or worse, to keep “rolling over” your loan. One way to break this cycle, and to build an emergency cash fund, is to start saving money. Believe it or not, you can save money when times are tough. All it takes is little steps. Remember that you …

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What is a signature loan?

An online signature loan is a type of loan you can apply for online that typically requires no collateral. Loans like these allow you to take out personal loans $5000 and under over the Internet as long as you can promise to pay the money back in accordance with the terms of the lender, and this promise is backed by your signature. New developments in technology have made it possible to sign documents online using just your mouse, although there are some companies that might …

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Can a payday loan actually help your credit score? It’s always widely reported on TV, magazines, and other places that the best way to build or repair credit is to take out a department store credit card, or even a small loan. Where do payday loans fall in with this?

(First, if you aren’t sure of how a payday loan works, check out our writeup to re-aquaint yourself. You may also be interested in our article discussing important facts about payday loans.)

Payday lenders almost never report a …

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Payday loans are an increasingly popular way for borrowers who need money today to get it quickly and conveniently. As personal and other bank loans have become increasingly difficult to obtain, particularly for those without savings or who have poor credit histories, payday lenders (like company) have grown to a $40 billion dollar industry in the United States.

Payday loans can be obtained either online or in person at one of the 22,000 storefront locations that have popped up around the country. The borrower simply provides a bit personal information about themselves, …

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Most college students have to seek out student loans in order to pay for school. Easy student loans – no cosigner needed – are the most sought after type of loan out there because unfortunately not all college students are able to get approved for the money they need. This is because many loans require cosigners, and some students don’t have parents, other relatives, or friends who are willing or able to sign off on loans for them. In spite of the fact that the Wall Street Journal recently reported …

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Payday loans are way too easy to get. All you have to do is show up, prove that you have a job and a bank account, sign some papers, and the money is more or less in your hands at that point. Payday installment loans work more or less the same way — the main difference is that you’re borrowing maybe a little more money than just what you need to get through until your next payday. The truth about payday loans no matter what kind you take out is …

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If you have a credit score in the low range, then you probably know a thing or two about applying and then getting turned down for loans. The fact that you get turned down so often could also make it much more difficult for you to improve your existing credit because you’re not getting the chance to show lenders that you’re trying to turn your finances around. Because of this, you may have no choice but to suffer the consequences and take out bad credit installment loans. The one …

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